Thursday, 15 June 2023

Janison extends $24 million NAPLAN Online deal

by Earn Media

Educational technology solutions provider Janison Education Group (ASX:JAN) has extended its agreement with Education Services Australia (ESA) to provide the platform powering NAPLAN Online across Australia.

The new agreement has an initial term of 3 years, plus 3 further optional years, which has resulted in the deal valuing at over $24 million for the full 6 year term.

NAPLAN Online is a computer-based assessment, which is used to measure the literacy and numeracy skills of Australian students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9, across all Australian schools.

This builds on the strategy opportunities forged this year with Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press”

Janison says the platform is used by over 1 million students annually and is the product of many years of development between ESA, Janison, and Microsoft.

Janison Education Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO) David Caspari said: “We are delighted to have renewed our agreement with ESA. This is also an important milestone in Janison’s history, signing our largest agreement which demonstrates the trust ESA has placed in Janison to deliver high-quality educational technology solutions.

This builds on the strategy opportunities forged this year with Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press and Assessments looking into FY24 and beyond.”

Both companies will continue working together to develop new features and functionality for the platform, which are expected to further enhance the capability of the platform and may deliver additional revenue in the form of software development services and performance testing.

Janison is an ASX-listed and Australian-owned company focused on transforming the assessment experience globally by providing the technology and tools to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in school and business environments.

