Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Lode completes auger program in NSW

by Earn Media

Lode Resources (ASX:LDR) reports an exploration update at the company’s 100% owned Uralla Gold Project located in the New England Fold Belt in north-eastern New South Wales.

Lode leases cover over 300km-square, which is almost the entire historic Uralla Goldfield, one of the earlier goldfields discovered in NSW and a significant gold producer in the 1850s.

The company has completed 1,159 auger drillholes across 1.6km-square at the Hudson’s group of prospects at Lode’s Uralla Gold Project.

The program aimed to follow up on prior drilling success and to identify anomalous gold values to assist with further drill targeting.

Managing Director Ted Leschke says: “Whilst we finalise the design of an extension and infill drill program at Webbs Consol, including Tangoa West and other targets , we are keen to keep the pace of activity going across the Company’s portfolio.

We have previously had excellent drilling results at Uralla with our first pass program. Given Uralla’s extensive area, this auger drill program has been designed to most cost effectively identify targets for our upcoming programs including deeper drilling at the best prospects.

Progressive exploration success and the understanding of IRGS mineralisation at the Hudson group of prospects has strong implications for the entire Uralla goldfield which is almost entirely covered by Lode’s exploration licences. The auger drilling results will be incorporated into drill programs planned for the coming months, and we are fully funded for drilling at both Uralla Gold and Webbs Silver”.

