Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Toro Energy confirms massive nickel sulphide mineralisation at Jumping Jack discovery, WA

by Earn Media

Toro Energy (ASX:TOE) confirms it has struck massive nickel sulphides in holes drilled at the Jumping Jack discovery within the Dusty Nickel Project in Western Australia. 

The company says geochemical assays reported from diamond drillholes confirmed the intersections, with hole TED37 striking 3.45m of massive nickel-sulphide @ 1.42% Ni, 0.19% Cu, and 0.76 grams per tonne (g/t) Pt+Pd from 240.1m, including 1.45m @ 2.2% Ni, 0.36% Cu, and 1.27g/t Pt+Pd. 

The company says Jumping Jack is 1 of 4 zones of massive to semi-massive nickel sulphides discovered so far along the Dusty Komatiite, situated in the Yandal Greenstone Belt. 

Jumping Jack is 1 of 4 zones of massive to semi-massive nickel sulphides discovered so far along the Dusty Komatiite

Together, the 4 Dusty nickel-sulphide discoveries are the Jumping Jack, Dimma, Houli Dooley, and Dusty. 

Additionally, Toro notes these recent assays follow previous exploration success, which confirmed nickel sulphide mineralisation at the Dimma discovery extends to 160m down-dip and remains open at depth. The company says the other three discoveries also remain open at depth. 

The company’s wholly owned Dusty Nickel Project is located in the Yandal Greenstone Belt, about 50km east of the world-class Mt Keith nickel deposit and 15km northeast of the Bronzewing Gold Mine.

Toro Energy is an ASX-listed uranium company focused on its ‘highly prospective’ project development and exploration portfolio. The company holds exploration interests in Namibia and Africa, alongside an investment in Strateco Resources in Quebec, Canada.

Images: Toro Energy Ltd
